Wednesday, July 29, 2009

long time no blog..

it's been a while since i've blogged here..
since June 14, i went to the nkotb concert <3 loved it ^.^
then i graduated high school, it was boiling hot in the gymnasium according to my mom people were about to "faint"

waited in a LONG line for canada day at mandarin..good food...better that it was free :)
got a lot of stuff off ebay..jewelery, nail decorations, laptop case (for sister)
yesterday got a call from a modeling 7 acting agency for a new kids MV..2 girls approached me and my friend before the concert started and asked if we wanted to sign up to be in a nkotb music video..we signed..didn't think they would call.

Not going to the interview but it was very exciting to get that call tehe.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Fashion Summative = Underwear!

So yesterday i just completed my first underwear for Fashion class.

I'm pretty proud at how it turned out since i didn't have any instructions etc..all the patterns i made myself ^.^

I have to make another one since underwears are small to make. At first i was thinking i won't have enough time to make another one..but since i'm done 1 pair I can start another one and finish it by wednesday.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Look at this mofo i got on friday while i was waiting for my ride. /sigh at me and my make believe scenarios.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Hills Rant

What the hell?

I read this audrina fan page and it states that she says that she's excited that Kristen C is taking over Lauren's role on the show.

I'm gonna miss lauren on the the hills, i'm still gonna watch "The Hills" and see how it's like with the new cast member (ew)

i secretly hope it fails without lauren on it

Friday, May 15, 2009

Language Assessment

Just found out that i have to complete a Language Assessment to determine which course i should be put it to for communication skills. There are 2 courses
  • Basic Communication Skills

Knowing my luck and somewhat bad grammar i'll be placed in Basic Communication Skills. I read what we'll be doing in the course and everything sounded fine until i saw Oral Communication. I HATE oral presentations or any form of talking infront of a crowd. I already get nervous in an interview and even when i'm ordering something to eat i get nervous.I always try to find my way out of oral presentations..oh god this is gonna suck.

  • Essential Communication Skills

After i finish Basic Communication Skills then i have to go into Essential Communication Skills in order to graduate..Fuck.

Friday, May 8, 2009

My friend is really getting on my nerves making up stupid excuses.
First she said that she might be going to NY for her summer program which i understand blah blah then turns out she can't go cause of the money. Now she says she MIGHT be able to go but she'S NOT SURE! wtf! annoying annoying. when i bring up the concert she tries to change the topic or just not reply..if she doesn't want to go just say so don't put me through this shit. NOW she says she might go or not cause of a church event or meeting..? argh so what she can't go to church cause of NY now she can't go to the concert cause of church?! i told her about this last month argh i swear i'm gonna go fucking crazy.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

What the fuck does " true say" mean?! can anyone tell me?
My friend ALWAYS says "true" OR "true say" wtf does that mean. i know what true means but true say?

people have been saying the phrase true too many times that its getting me at least.

i have tons to rant about my friend...thats bad..or is it? aha


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


i wanted to enter in the NKOTB contest that they were having for May 8th.. they will be on The Today Show in NY and Jordan will be buying two plane tickets to NY while Donnie will be buying the passes for the show so we could watch them AND spend the day with all 5 of them. The day the contest starts Jordan tells us on twitter that its only for US residents! so pissed when i read that. I doubt i would've won but to think i had a mini tiny chance ha ha. oh well i'll be seeing them in June <3 why do things seem better in the states? its cheaper and more variety of clothes and shops there.. :(

this week i've been having the urge to get a new bag/purse, swimsuit, clothes from juicy, and accessories. swimsuits was just for 10 mins lol, i don't need it i have a few and plus i don't really go swimming that much. bag was for a whole day..i was changing my bag and thought that i hadn't have that many bags to change to..but then i'm making one in my fashion class so i'll wait till i use that. clothes from juicy was for 1 hour..i wore a juicy zip up sweater from VV and it made me want more cause it was comfy, soft, pretty, and the name of it just sounds nice :) but soooo expensive..its likes $100 + for a hoodie?. accessories like 1 min..barely wear accessories anyways so no point to buy any.

i need more books i'm almost done reading my whole book collection that i have from last year and this total i have 17 i have finished reading 13 and reading 2 of my books currently..hmm i need 2 more shopaholic books then my shopaholic collection is done

i got

1.Confesstions of a Shopaholic
2.Shopaholic takes Manhattan
3.Shopaholic ties the knot

I need
1.Shopaholic and baby
2.Shopaholic and sister

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


i got accepted in sheridan for

  1. Esthetics
  2. Cosmetics and Techniques management
  3. Advertising
Whew sigh of relief thought i wouldn't get all i gotta do is pass english.
Should be a piece of cupcake >.< hehe

Friday, January 23, 2009

2 songs that I'm listening to on repeat. -> Beyonce - Halo, Priscilla Ahn - Red Cape

I watched Ghost Whisperer tonight and i hate the fucking suspense they have going..with the whole jim/sam deal.
I feel a tiny bit sick today, my nose is stuffed and i feel warm. But i don't know if i'm warm as in fever warm or is my hands just colder than the rest of my body.

this guy scott is so annoying him and tom. they ask too many questions.

-what would be your ideal first date meal..desert?
-do you like outdoors?
-so you're an indoors girl?
-do you like sushi?
-do you like viet/pho?
-you want to call me? i'm bored..


Chinese New Year coming soon. Been trying to clean bedsheets etc tomorrow time to tackle my laundry and wash my phat cat ^.^


Thursday, January 1, 2009

It's 2009.

Gosh i feel uber if i went out for new years..i stayed at home and watched the count downs and some movies after..i went to bed around 5 in the morning i woke up at 1 almost 2 in the afternoon, and i'm still tired my eyes are feeling droopy at the moment.